Trivia: The recording of maximum temperatures commence from 9am.
Thus, for example, should the temperature at 8:59am be 30 and the
temperature drops to 28 at 9am and remains that way all day, the
maximum recorded temperatures would be 28 not 30 for that day.
In theory, it's possible for the minimum temperature to be greater than
the maximum recorded by the weather observatories :).

Scan QR code or Click for Graphical weather view

Graphical Weather Data (Link valid till 29th January if used will reactivate)
Fairfield Queensland Australia 4103. 3km From Brisbane CBD
Latest data uploaded, 39 seconds ago

Solar output and UV index

Radiation: 672 watts per sqr meter

UV Index at Fairfield: 6 [MODERATE - You'll burn within 2 hours - Use sunscreen]

Current Outdoor temperatures

Now: 28.7c. Humidity: 48% Wind: LIGHT AIR @ 1.5 Km/h

Current Indoor Temperatures

Now: 24.3c Low: 23.5c Max: 24.3c

Rain fall today

0 mm

Tables for Daily maximum/minimum Temperatures and rainfall

Displaying data for the Year: 2024
MIN and MAX displays as OUTDOORINDOOR eg.1520 being 15 outdoor and 20 indoor and a * means [NO DATA AVAILABLE]
Indoor readings are measured in a room with no heating and airconditioning.

The following tables are'nt screen reader friendly at this time.

Display 2019 Display 2020 Display 2021 Display 2022 Display 2023

 Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov     Dec    
121 25 24 2635.622 26 34 28022 26 33 27019 25 28 26015 23 28 24018 22 22 230.518 22 20 233.85 18 24 20016 24 34 270
221 25 25 2725.921 26 36 30021 26 36 29020 25 31 260.217 23 25 24012 21 23 22013 20 16 2120.85 18 24 20018 25 35 270
319 25 34 260.223 27 34 29024 27 31 280.520 25 34 28017 23 25 240.310 21 22 22013 19 20 205.67 19 25 21013 24 28 260
421 25 34 27023 27 33 29024 27 36 2816.322 26 30 270.315 23 24 240.57 20 24 22013 18 23 2008 19 25 21010 23 24 250
522 26 33 28023 27 34 29021 26 29 2710.420 25 27 268.417 23 28 240.28 19 24 21010 17 24 190.811 20 23 21013 23 26 260
622 26 29 27025 27 35 30019 25 32 27019 25 32 272.515 23 28 24011 20 24 21011 18 24 200.213 20 24 220.211 23 27 250
720 25 31 270.825 27 33 29020 26 33 27022 26 31 279.415 23 26 252.69 20 21 21013 18 24 21010 20 25 21012 24 30 260
822 26 30 279.621 27 33 281.520 26 31 270.221 26 33 27014 23 25 240.29 20 22 21011 20 22 210.810 20 21 220.513 24 29 240
924 26 32 282.321 26 29 273.320 26 32 271.621 25 30 26015 23 27 250.39 19 24 22014 20 23 22112 20 24 230
1023 27 35 29023 26 27 274.620 26 30 270.516 25 28 25015 24 27 2508 20 25 21014 21 25 24010 20 25 230
1121 27 31 282.121 26 33 272.520 25 30 268.614 23 30 26015 24 27 251.38 19 25 22011 21 26 24012 21 26 230
1220 26 32 2724.320 26 31 27019 25 33 270.515 24 30 25017 24 27 252.89 20 26 21011 21 26 23015 21 21 222.6
1322 26 33 276.920 26 29 270.820 26 32 27016 24 30 26012 23 26 2508 20 23 21011 21 22 23017 22 21 2315.7
1420 26 35 29021 26 34 27020 26 30 270.317 24 30 26012 22 28 2408 19 24 2008 20 21 22017 22 20 2342.7
1523 26 30 2815.225 27 31 282.519 25 32 26016 24 31 26015 23 28 24011 20 25 2106 20 21 22018 22 26 243.8
1622 26 28 2728.722 25 23 26183.920 25 31 26017 24 31 26017 23 20 243.39 19 23 2106 19 19 21018 23 29 240
1722 26 32 280.519 25 32 270.319 25 29 26417 24 30 25014 22 25 240.29 19 22 20010 19 18 20012 22 31 240
1825 26 34 2823.620 25 32 27020 25 31 271.318 24 27 25013 22 27 2508 18 23 20011 19 20 21010 21 26 240
1923 26 36 28021 26 32 272.521 26 31 270.818 24 31 26012 23 25 2407 19 23 2006 18 22 20010 21 26 220
2024 27 31 2813.219 25 34 28021 26 33 27015 24 28 25169 22 25 2407 18 22 2006 18 24 21013 21 26 230.5
2124 27 35 290.520 26 34 28022 25 28 26017 23 21 2413.59 22 25 2409 19 26 21012 19 22 20014 21 27 230
2224 27 39 29022 26 35 28020 25 29 26015 23 28 241.212 22 25 24014 20 21 2106 18 24 20014 22 28 230
2325 26 28 27022 27 37 28017 24 28 251.217 23 28 241.810 22 26 2406 19 23 2006 18 25 20017 23 27 240
2420 26 32 28026 27 31 287.420 24 22 255.916 23 29 250.511 23 27 2408 19 25 2009 19 25 20012 22 28 250
2519 26 34 29023 26 32 27218 24 22 251915 23 30 25016 24 22 253.613 19 26 201.812 19 25 21014 23 30 250
2623 27 31 280.322 26 34 28020 24 23 266718 23 26 24014 24 26 26012 20 27 21011 20 26 22016 23 31 250
2727 27 37 29024 26 33 27020 24 24 2532.514 23 28 24012 24 27 25014 20 27 22012 20 25 22017 23 30 250
2824 27 31 2884.821 26 33 27019 25 31 26016 23 28 24013 22 25 24012 21 26 22016 21 24 22019 24 32 260
2925 27 33 292.122 26 34 28017 25 30 264.315 23 28 24012 21 27 22011 21 25 2205 19 22 21017 24 34 260
3025 27 31 2822.619 25 30 26015 23 29 25014 22 24 230.514 21 30 2305 18 23 21012 23 32 250
3122 26 33 28018 25 29 26016 22 27 230.55 18 23 20016 24 37 270

Monthly rainfalls:

Values, millimeters "mm", rounded to nearest decimal (excluding feet, inches and meters)

January: 299 mm 1ft 11.8"

February: 211 mm 1ft 8.3"

March: 175 mm 1ft 6.9"

April: 54 mm 0ft 2.1"

May: 16 mm 0ft 0.6"

June: 2 mm 0ft 0.1"

July: 33 mm 0ft 1.3"

August: 66 mm 0ft 2.6"

Total rainfall for 8 months in 2024 is 856.8mm ( 0.86 meters 3ft 10" )

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