Trivia: The recording of maximum temperatures commence from 9am.
Thus, for example, should the temperature at 8:59am be 30 and the
temperature drops to 28 at 9am and remains that way all day, the
maximum recorded temperatures would be 28 not 30 for that day.
In theory, it's possible for the minimum temperature to be greater than
the maximum recorded by the weather observatories :).

Scan QR code or Click for Graphical weather view

Graphical Weather Data (Link valid till 29th January if used will reactivate)
Fairfield Queensland Australia 4103. 3km From Brisbane CBD
Latest data uploaded, 52 seconds ago

Solar output and UV index

Radiation: 0 watts per sqr meter

UV Index at Fairfield: 0 [No sunlight]

Current Outdoor temperatures

Now: 16.3c. Humidity: 91% Wind: CALM @ 0 Km/h

Current Indoor Temperatures

Now: 23.8c Low: 23.6c Max: --c

Rain fall today

0 mm

Tables for Daily maximum/minimum Temperatures and rainfall

Displaying data for the Year: 2021
MIN and MAX displays as OUTDOORINDOOR eg.1520 being 15 outdoor and 20 indoor and a * means [NO DATA AVAILABLE]
Indoor readings are measured in a room with no heating and airconditioning.

The following tables are'nt screen reader friendly at this time.

Display 2019 Display 2020 Display 2022 Display 2023 Display 2024

 Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov     Dec    
121 25 31 *0.722 25 32 *0.324 25 31 *018 23 29 *5.316 23 22 *6.110 20 26 *010 20 22 *3.310 19 28 *017 23 29 *016 23 29 *14.715 23 26 *021 24 27 *24.9
221 25 31 *2.621 25 23 *95.223 21 36 *15.517 24 28 *0.516 23 24 *14.412 21 24 *015 20 21 *13.514 21 27 *017 23 25 *8.212 21 30 *018 24 27 *021 25 30 *0.8
322 25 31 *019 23 31 *023 24 29 *020 23 26 *3.315 23 27 *014 22 23 *5.116 20 18 *9.416 21 26 *014 22 26 *5.813 23 33 *017 24 26 *020 25 32 *0
423 27 31 *0.718 22 32 *021 19 28 *0.319 25 23 *11.215 23 28 *9.213 21 23 *014 20 25 *012 20 21 *013 22 26 *0.515 23 37 *014 23 28 *020 24 32 *8.9
523 26 35 *0.820 24 32 *017 23 33 *020 25 24 *20.916 21 19 *20.110 20 24 *09 19 21 *06 19 22 *015 23 25 *014 24 32 *017 24 27 *118 24 30 *0.2
622 26 34 *4.820 24 32 *0.320 25 29 *021 24 25 *43.711 20 25 *08 20 23 *09 18 22 *07 18 24 *010 21 25 *012 23 29 *017 23 27 *2.618 23 30 *0
722 25 29 *0.822 26 37 *022 26 30 *020 24 29 *3.613 23 28 *08 19 24 *07 17 24 *08 19 25 *08 20 26 *013 23 28 *0.520 25 28 *019 24 31 *0.6
821 24 24 *4.324 26 31 *023 26 32 *0.818 23 30 *014 23 29 *09 19 22 *09 18 21 *07 19 25 *09 20 26 *016 23 31 *021 25 30 *15.522 25 31 *29.7
918 23 27 *4.321 26 30 *021 25 32 *18.217 24 32 *016 23 29 *014 21 19 *0.814 20 23 *15.714 20 22 *1.611 21 26 *017 24 30 *022 25 31 *019 24 34 *13.4
1019 22 30 *1.318 23 30 *021 25 32 *016 23 34 *015 23 30 *09 19 20 *012 19 21 *011 19 22 *010 21 32 *020 24 30 *023 26 31 *220 25 33 *3.5
1118 24 30 *019 24 29 *022 25 30 *0.618 23 30 *0.215 23 29 *2.88 18 21 *09 18 24 *010 19 24 *0.210 22 28 *019 24 30 *1223 26 32 *22.615 23 32 *0
1217 23 31 *020 24 32 *021 24 30 *012 24 27 *017 24 28 *657 19 23 *08 17 22 *011 20 26 *012 22 28 *016 24 22 *24.623 26 30 *8.619 25 31 *0
1319 24 32 *021 25 32 *021 25 31 *0.213 23 27 *016 23 25 *07 19 24 *010 18 24 *015 21 28 *0.315 23 31 *017 23 27 *1.517 24 28 *020 25 30 *0
1422 25 33 *022 25 32 *222 25 32 *1.512 23 28 *011 21 26 *07 19 25 *011 19 23 *015 22 27 *014 22 24 *017 23 25 *51.912 24 30 *018 25 34 *0
1520 24 33 *019 24 31 *022 24 23 *16.814 24 30 *010 21 25 *010 20 23 *10.614 21 26 *0.313 21 28 *09 20 27 *022 25 31 *0.214 24 32 *017 25 33 *0
1623 26 38 *23.619 24 31 *6.619 23 26 *9.416 23 32 *08 20 24 *011 20 26 *016 21 27 *0.713 21 29 *010 21 27 *012 23 29 *015 24 32 *019 25 34 *0
1723 25 31 *019 24 30 *2.818 23 21 *21.319 23 26 *23.18 20 24 *014 21 25 *014 20 22 *09 21 26 *010 22 26 *012 23 30 *020 24 29 *021 25 32 *0.5
1823 27 32 *35.819 23 29 *10.419 23 29 *0.314 23 27 *09 20 25 *08 21 22 *09 19 22 *011 21 20 *0.212 22 27 *016 23 27 *8.619 24 28 *0.620 25 32 *0.3
1919 23 33 *0.320 24 30 *4.119 25 30 *012 23 26 *013 21 23 *012 19 20 *07 19 23 *09 20 25 *016 23 30 *015 23 30 *016 24 30 *018 24 31 *0
2022 25 30 *022 25 30 *12.621 25 29 *6.813 23 29 *011 21 26 *09 19 25 *06 17 21 *012 20 26 *015 22 28 *016 24 29 *4.119 24 32 *021 24 35 *0
2121 24 29 *021 25 30 *2721 25 30 *89.215 23 31 *010 21 25 *08 20 24 *011 18 19 *011 21 28 *016 23 26 *016 23 28 *2.322 26 29 *022 21 35 *0
2218 23 31 *022 25 36 *3221 24 23 *67.311 23 23 *011 21 26 *08 19 24 *07 17 22 *012 21 28 *09 21 26 *018 23 28 *0.819 25 27 *45.221 23 33 *0
2319 25 31 *022 24 33 *8.122 24 25 *56.910 22 27 *012 21 26 *012 20 25 *0.89 18 21 *3.113 22 26 *09 21 28 *021 24 31 *4.819 24 28 *86.621 25 32 *26.4
2418 24 32 *0.520 25 31 *3.621 24 31 *011 21 27 *011 20 26 *015 22 23 *0.513 19 23 *0.214 22 21 *8.111 22 29 *020 25 34 *0.220 25 28 *11.422 24 32 *4.8
2521 25 30 *9.923 25 29 *21.816 24 32 *012 22 28 *012 21 27 *017 21 20 *3.613 20 22 *010 20 22 *012 22 31 *020 23 29 *1.121 25 26 *16.522 23 31 *9.2
2619 24 32 *023 25 33 *1.816 23 32 *013 23 27 *011 21 27 *016 21 17 *0.26 18 23 *08 20 23 *015 23 28 *2.320 24 29 *023 25 30 *4.820 24 30 *0.2
2721 25 33 *0.523 25 31 *019 24 33 *016 23 28 *013 22 26 *010 19 24 *06 18 25 *06 19 24 *015 22 20 *0.520 25 30 *021 25 29 *021 25 30 *18.6
2823 25 33 *124 23 33 *2.518 24 32 *014 23 27 *09 21 23 *08 19 23 *09 20 27 *06 19 28 *014 22 23 *023 26 32 *1.520 24 30 *020 23 27 *2.3
2923 25 32 *018 24 32 *015 23 27 *08 20 23 *010 19 24 *1.315 21 27 *08 20 26 *014 21 24 *022 25 30 *0.521 26 29 *2.119 23 28 *0.2
3021 25 32 *019 24 28 *016 24 27 *2.610 20 24 *012 20 23 *7.67 19 24 *010 21 30 *017 23 28 *18.320 25 35 *1521 24 23 *92.917 24 30 *0
3122 26 31 *116 23 29 *010 20 23 *08 18 24 *014 21 28 *019 23 26 *9.618 24 27 *2.3

Monthly rainfalls:

Values, millimeters "mm", rounded to nearest decimal (excluding feet, inches and meters)

January: 93 mm 0ft 3.7"

February: 231 mm 1ft 9.1"

March: 305 mm 1ft 0"

April: 114 mm 0ft 4.5"

May: 118 mm 0ft 4.6"

June: 31 mm 0ft 1.2"

July: 46 mm 0ft 1.8"

August: 10 mm 0ft 0.4"

September: 36 mm 0ft 1.4"

October: 154 mm 1ft 6.1"

November: 312 mm 1ft 0.3"

December: 147 mm 0ft 5.8"

Total rainfall during the year 2021 is 1596.9mm ( 1.6 meters 5ft 3" )

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